i use a TMS FNCDataGrid in my application. The corresponding Dataset has more fields as I want to have displayed in the grid.
The columns visibility in the object inspector is set to False for the relevant columns. When I disconect the dataset and reconnect, all columns are visible in the grid, both on design and runtime. The visbility parameter of the hidden columns are still on "false" but they are displayed anyway.
Playing with the DataGridDatabaseAdapter parameters AutoCreateColumns and AutoRemoveColumns doesn't change anything.
Any suggestions how to keep the "hidden" columns really hidden as it works in the VCL DBAdvGrid.
Maybe you can add this functionality to the grid itself as I found it really comfortable in VCL DBAdvGrid to do this on grid level instead of field level.
Especially since the “Visible” parameter already exists for the Grid.Columns. So it doesn't really make sense to me why I should do this at the field level.
I think I'll stay with VCL DBAdvGrid a little bit longer..
But many thanks for your quick reply!
Kind regards
We detected an issue with this, next version will have this fixed. The Visible property at grid column level will be reflected when connected to a database adapter.