FM install err

I'm getting the following install error.

is there a way to correct this?

Deleting file "FlexCel_Core.vrc".

drv:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\12.0\Bin\CodeGear.Delphi.Targets(187,5): error MSB6004:

   The specified task executable location "drv:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\12.0\bin\dccios32.exe" is invalid.

Done Building Project "drv:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\TMSSoftware\FlexCelVCLNT\Packages\dXE5\FlexCel_Core.dproj" (Make target(s)) -- FAILED.


"drv:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\TMSSoftware\FlexCelVCLNT\Packages\dXE5\FlexCel_Core.dproj" (Make target) (1) ->

(_PasCoreCompile target) ->

drv:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\12.0\Bin\CodeGear.Delphi.Targets(187,5): error MSB6004:

     The specified task executable location "drv:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\12.0\bin\dccios32.exe" is invalid.

    0 Warning(s)

    1 Error(s)

The header should read FlexCell not FM. Sorry


Do you have Delphi "Mobile pack" installed?  The error you are seeing is normally shown when you don't have firemonkey or mobile pack, so while the iOS compiler exists (dccios32.exe), it is invalid.

If you don't have FireMonkey, please run the setup unselecting "FireMonkey" from the list of modules to install, and it will install fine.

Thanks for your kind response.

I believe I have Delphi XE5 FireMonkey installed. From Delphi's UI if I select "File>New>" I can select a FireMonkey Desktop Application or a FireMonkey Metropolis UI Application.

Under Help>About>version information I have the fmxxxx190.bpl (vs 19.0.14356.6604) installed.

I also have TMS Component Studio installed (which includes TMS pack for FireMonkey vs2.5.3.1).

I don't have Delphi "Mobil pack" installed

would I still need to unselect FM during the FlexCel install?


The mobile pack is about iOS and Android. Can you do a new iOS application?  If you can't (which I guess you don't as you don't have a valid dccios32 compiler), then you won't be able to install FlexCel for iOS and Android. 

You shouldn't need to unselect all firemonkey if you still want to do FM apps, I just suggested it because people normally wants FM for mobile development. But unselecting iOS and Android from the setup instead of the full firemonkey should work too. 

Please let me know if you have any issues when you unselect iOS and Android, but I think it will work fine.