at FlexCel.XlsAdapter.XlsMessages.ThrowException (FlexCel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cb8f6080e6d5a4d6)
at FlexCel.XlsAdapter.ReturnOrigin.set_ExpirationTime (FlexCel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cb8f6080e6d5a4d6)
at FlexCel.XlsAdapter.CV_SIGNATURE.CanSerialize (FlexCel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cb8f6080e6d5a4d6)
at FlexCel.XlsAdapter.CV_SIGNATURE.CtorNull (FlexCel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cb8f6080e6d5a4d6)
at FlexCel.XlsAdapter.CV_SIGNATURE.ToLongString (FlexCel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cb8f6080e6d5a4d6)
at FlexCel.XlsAdapter.LeafDimCon.GetTokenSecret (FlexCel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cb8f6080e6d5a4d6)
at FlexCel.XlsAdapter.LeafDimCon.GetEventRecord (FlexCel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cb8f6080e6d5a4d6)
at FlexCel.XlsAdapter.XlsFile.SimpleIntTest (FlexCel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cb8f6080e6d5a4d6)
at FlexCel.XlsAdapter.XlsFile.Open (FlexCel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cb8f6080e6d5a4d6)
This is an error opening a file, by the stack trace I see there seems to be an error in the Setup record, but I can't know much more only with the stack trace.
Some questions:
What is the error message you got in the exception? Something like "The index ... of the property ... is not between [range]?
If you open this file in Excel and Save it, does the error continue? This looks like a wrong record in the file, so normally if you can open it in Excel and save it will work. If it doesn't work even after resaving it with Excel then it will point at an error in our loader. If it works after resaving it, then it points to an error in the file.
If possible, can you send me a file that shows the problem? Since the error is in the setup record, if this survives a resave in Excel, you can edit the file, remove all data, and the problem will still happen. You can post the file here or send it to adrian@tmssoftware.com