Open File

            I get an  EFlexCelXlsAdapterException with message
            Formula at Row 1, column 2  is not supported. Token Id: 0x01
              This is a report i got from a customer. I have to fill in data in some other cell and save.
              But I can not open the file, is there a way to ignore this kind of error?

Regards Pal


You might try to set 
xls.RecoveryMode := true;

I am not 100% sure that it will recover from this particular error, but I think it will.
Let me know.
Kind regards,

   With xls.RecoveryMode := true; i was able to open file and update file,

   but when i reopen it in excel i get error message  

   File error: data may have been lost.

  When i try to "Enable Content" I get error

   No RETURN() or HALT() function found on macro sheet.


Kind regards,


Recovery mode allows you to read a file that is corrupt or otherwise not ok, but indeed, if you try to save it it might not be a valid file. Can you email me the original file (or any file that gives this error when using FlexCel) so I can study if htis is a problem in the file or in the FlexCel loading code?  My mail is and while of course we treat any file as confidential and erase it once we use it, you might probably want to remove all confidential info before sending it. 


Thanks for sending the file, we've got it and fixed it. The issue was that this file has "Excel 4 macros" which aren't really supported by FlexCel. But we 've fixed the code so you will be able to open modify and save the file without issues.

I will be sending you a link to 5.6.1 as soon as it finishes building and uploading.


  Thank you for your excellent service.

Kind Regards ,
Pal Lillejord