Flexcel - vcl - When creating a table with Autofilter - how to set the Autofilter condition?


I use approximate the following to create an Excel file through Delphi with where the Autofilter feature is activated on all headers.

      Table := TTableDefinition_Create();
      Table.Name := 'Table1';
      Table.Range := TXlsCellRange.create(FirstTablerow, 1, FirstTablerow + Devices.Count, High(Headers) + 1);
      Table.HasAutofilter := true;
      Table.HasHeaderRow := true;
      Table.HasTotalsRow := False;
      Table.Comment := '';
      Table.Style := TTableStyle.create('TableStyleLight9', False, False, False, true);

To my understanding it is not possible to as well activate the AutoFilter with some condition on a column. Am I right?

Would be great if this would be possible... I.e

Table.SetAutoFilter(1, // Column A
TAutoFilterOperator.Values, // Filter type: Values
TValueFilter.Create(['Apple'])); // To Filter records with "Apple"

Regards Alf

Indeed this is sadly not currently possible, not because it would be complex to implement saving the autofilter condition in the file, but because we would need to implement filtering ourselves, as the file would have to be saved filtered, showing only records with "Apple"

I've added this item to our todo list to investigate, but I am not sure on how feasible it is.