I use approximate the following to create an Excel file through Delphi with where the Autofilter feature is activated on all headers.
Table := TTableDefinition_Create();
Table.Name := 'Table1';
Table.Range := TXlsCellRange.create(FirstTablerow, 1, FirstTablerow + Devices.Count, High(Headers) + 1);
Table.HasAutofilter := true;
Table.HasHeaderRow := true;
Table.HasTotalsRow := False;
Table.Comment := '';
Table.Style := TTableStyle.create('TableStyleLight9', False, False, False, true);
To my understanding it is not possible to as well activate the AutoFilter with some condition on a column. Am I right?
Would be great if this would be possible... I.e
Table.SetAutoFilter(1, // Column A
TAutoFilterOperator.Values, // Filter type: Values
TValueFilter.Create(['Apple'])); // To Filter records with "Apple"
Regards Alf