Flexcel FMX Cannot compile example in Android 32 and 64

Good day, I am a newbie in Delphi FMX.
I can compile and run the example program in the Win32 platform. Unfortunately, I cannot compile the program in Andriod 32 / 64 bits

Unit FMX.FlecCel.Core not found.

There shouldn't be anything special here, it should just work. This normally means that you just haven't installed FlexCel for android, or the installation went wrong.

Can you send me the flexcel install log at \TMSSoftware\FlexCelVCLNT\Setup\FlexCel_build_log.txt ?

You can post it here or mail it to adrian@tmssoftware.com if you prefer.

A correct FlexCel install should be all you need, there is no need to do anything special to compile to Android