Firemonkey charts in component studio FM


When will the Firemonkey charts be available in the FM component studio ?
I can't seem to see it in the subscription manager v1.1.0.0?


The TMS Charts for FireMonkey are not included
in the TMS Component Studio for FireMonkey for customers who have already
purchased the TMS Component Studio for FireMonkey before the release of this
new pack.

If you are interested in the TMS Charts for FireMonkey we can offer you a 33%
discount (ie. 50 EU instead of 75 EU). The online order form to purchase at
discount price is available upon email request. 

Hi Nancy,

what is the use of the subscription then ?
This is I take subscriptions !
I don't need mcl.
I don't need Icl.
but when something usefull comes inside the scope of the subscription it should be in there.
I thought the same things were applicable than in the VCL subscription.

what am I not understanding in this?

One subscription =
All current TMS components for FireMonkey application development 
free : all regular component updates for 2 years
free : priority support for 2 years
free : updates for upcoming new Delphi versions

  1. You have FREE updates to ALL products that are in the TMS Component Studio for FireMonkey YOU purchased
    2) You get FREE priority support, see all answers in this forum
    3) We have just provided this week FREE updates for XE6 for ALL products that are in the TMS Component Studio for FireMonkey YOU purchased

Bruno ,

This should be clear in the terms of the subscription and it is not !

the Terms can also be explained as being all the Firemonkey components being taken up in the subscription.


I cannot see how it can be misunderstood.

Thank you for being clear.

Studio Subscription means 'Components included at time of purchase' with updates.
newer packs added to a subscription are not automatically included in the thus said Subscription.
no subscription 'update' is foreseen in the subscription, which means that additional packs can only be bought separately with the 33 % discount. those updated are only valid for a period of a year.
This would mean in my case although I purchased the Pack 2 months ago,
Upgrade from TMS FM Pack to TMS FM Component Studio for 360 Euro (in stead of 450) which give me access for 2 years to what was available in the Pack at the time of purchase.
I can then buy access to the FM Graphs component for 50 Euros instead of 75 Euros which will grant me 1 year of updates. I suppose I will be able to renew that pack with similar conditions next year.
that would be then for two years 360 + 50 + 50 = 460 Euro.
If some other interesting component set is added in those two years that that would be still another 50 Euro and so on.
So that would put me to 510 Euros , and then in two years I would be given the option to have the pack updated to the current Form or not ? would I still be limited to the pack purchased two moths ago ?
1) Whether you purchase, renew, upgrade, you get the bundle as defined at the purchase/renew/upgrade date.  You get the exact content as what is displayed on the product page when you click "Purchase".
2) With TMS Component Studio, you get 2 years! of free updates & free support

Can we please leave this discussion. We work feverishly and relentlessly day in, day out on adding value to our entire product line in a always changing software development landscape. If we do not have the flexibility to change product prices and adapt product content to demand of customers, this introduces a rigidity that is undesirable both for us and for our customers and stifles new developments. Given the amount of hours our team put into the development of new products like TMS Charts for FireMonkey, it really hurts us to see someone going into time-consuming elaborated discussions like this for a mere 50EUR.