Features Demo

I am using Intraweb 14.0.30  with Delphi XE5.
Trying to get the AdvMessageDlg working but failing.
Having read some of the threads here the advice appraers to be to look at the demo's but I can't  get the demos to compile or run..
I have tried version 12 and 121 but both fail to compile.

IW121FeaturesDemo.dproj gives
[dcc32 Fatal Error] GridExport.pas(10): F1026 File not found: 'C:\DelphiXE5\TMS\IW121FeaturesDemo\IWAdvWebGridExcel.dcu'

IW12FeaturesDemo.dproj gives
[dcc32 Fatal Error] IW12FeaturesDemo.dpr(45): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'InGlobal.pas'
What am I missing ?




For IntraWeb 14 you can use the IW121FeaturesDemo.

Can you please make sure you have added the 'xlsadapter' subfolder (where the TMS IntraWeb Component Pack was installed) to your Delphi library path?

Thanks for the quick response - adding the subfolder has allowed the compilation.