I have a newbie question about XData. I created the server with via File -> New --> Other --> TMS XData --> TMS XData VCL server.
I created the database (MySQL) With Data modeler and created the entities with right clicking AurecilusConnection component and selecting "Generate entities from database" (after setting FDConnection component to get to the DB). The entites are created and I saved them.
I set the TMS Http tool to add the URL and give Everyone access (for testing is OK): http://+:2001/okolje24/xdata
I run the server and it shows the entites in the broswer after I navigate to the URL: http://localhost:2001/okolje24/xdata
- value: [
- {
- name: "oddelki",
- url: "oddelki"
- {
- name: "pobuda_slike",
- url: "pobuda_slike"
- {
- name: "pobuda",
- url: "pobuda"
- {
- name: "status_pobude",
- url: "status_pobude"
- {
- name: "tip_pobude",
- url: "tip_pobude"
- {
- name: "uporabnik",
- url: "uporabnik"
To this point - all OK. The problem raises when I try to open as list of entities like this
I get the error 403.
Is there something else I must do in the code? I studied the manual and in the Getting started topic is the same as I did. I did make sure that the FDconnection is active and also did use the entities so the compiler use the unit (TUporabnik.Create.Free; in the OnCreate event).
I would ask you for support, because I'm stuck and can't proceed.