Disabled TIWDatePicker not always looks disabled


i have a strange behavior with the TIWDatePicker.
sometimes the disabled TIWDatePicker looks good and really disabled, and sometimes it looks only like a regular label.

the tests i made were all with clean SA project with a IWCheckBox, TIWDatePicker and a IWButton in the form.
same result in both IE8, and Firefox 10.0.2, but with a different font

test 1 :
add the  TIWDatePicker1.Enabled:=IWCheckBox1.Checked; to the OnClick of the IWButton
Result : TIWDatePicker1 looks like a regular label.

test 2 :
add the TIWDatePicker1.Enabled:=IWCB1.Checked; code to the AsyncClick of the IWCheckBox
result : TIWDatePicker1 looks good and grey like a normal disabled component.

test 3 :
add the TIWDatePicker1.Enabled:=IWCB1.Checked; code to the OnChange of the IWCheckBox
result : nothing happened (maybe it's not supposed to do anything and i didn't understand that)

test 4 :

add the TIWDatePicker1.Enabled:=IWCB1.Checked; code to the OnClick of the IWCheckBox

Result : TIWDatePicker1 looks like a regular label.

test 5 :
(i knew the result, but i had to check...)
procedure TIWForm1.IWButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
Procedure TIWForm1.Proc1;
Result : TIWDatePicker1 looks like a regular label.

in my program i need the TIWDatePicker to look like disabled(grey) but from a procedure, and i get only the label-look, what am i missing please?


i found another problem with the TIWDatePicker, but with the Visible property this time.
with the previous example, adding the TIWDatePicker1.Visible:=IWCB1.Checked; to the OnAsyncClick event of the IWCheckBox will work fine, but if i add it to the OnClick of the button it works maybe once or twice, but then it stop responding, like the whole form is stuck (but without the annoying waiting-wheel)

what i mean is :
procedure TIWForm1.IWButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
will not show TIWDatePicker1 or hide.

but this :
procedure TIWForm1.IWCheckBox1AsyncClick(Sender: TObject; EventParams: TStringList);
works fine UNTIL i use the same line but from the button

sorry for the re-post, and thank you

Have you tried setting the DisableAppearance property of the TIWDatePicker to daGrayed?

Have you tried setting the RenderInvisibleControls property to True for Form and/or IWRegion the TIWDatePicker is placed on?