differences between "AdvStringGrid" and "TMSFNCGrid"


I have a few questions regarding the differences between "AdvStringGrid" and "TMSFNCGrid".

  1. in "AdvStringGrid" there is an event "OnEditChange". Does this event or a comparable event also exist in "TMSFNCGrid"?

  2. in "AdvStringGrid" there is the method "ShowInplaceEdit". Does this or a comparable method also exist in "TMSFNCGrid"?

  3. in "AdvStringGrid" there are the properties "Navigation.EditSelectAll" and "Navigation.InsertPosition". Do these or similar properties also exist in "TMSFNCGrid"?

Kind regards

U. Blomeyer


  1. In TMSFNCGrid, the OnCellEditDone event is triggered when editing is finished
  2. The equivalent is TMSFNCGrid1.EditCell
  3. This is default behavior, when pressing F2, the whole text is selected. It's currently not possible to configure the insert position.

Thank you for your answer.
Is it possible that "OnEditChange" (TMSAdvStringGrid) and "OnCellEditDone" (TMSFNCGrid) are not the same?
"OnEditChange" is triggered every time a key is pressed while cell editing = true and OnCellEditDone is triggered when cell editing is finished altogether.

Kind regards

that's correct, There is currently no OnEditChange event.

thanks for the quick reply. We are using the "OnEditChange" event (including the ability to position the cursor) in one of our VCL applications.
Is it possible to implement these features in a future update of TTMSFNCGrid?

Kind regards

You can try by using the following event:

TMSFNCGrid1.CellEdit.OnChange := DoEditChange;