Deployment Issue with iOS64

another issue I have ... this is all slowing me down when I was hoping this would be really RAD ... which might be a Delphi issue or an Apple issue, but it only seems to affect xdata, is that the first time in a session I publish to my iPhone for debug it removes the existing version (if there is one there), copies across the app and launches it.

The second time I do this after making changes it fails to deploy and I get the following excpetion:

>error: BuzzApp :: Class 'TXDataEntityCollectionType' has a base class 'Xdata::Model::Classes::TXDataEntityType' which does not have a complete definition.
error: BuzzApp :: Class 'TRttiPackage' has a base class 'System::Rtti::TRttiNamedObject' which does not have a complete definition.
error: BuzzApp :: Class 'TRttiStructuredType' has a base class 'System::Rtti::TRttiType' which does not have a complete definition.

Any ideas?

Hi Russell,

Sorry but I have no idea. Probably it only happens with XData because it uses RTTI heavily, I guess? Based on the error messages and mentions to System.Rtti classes.
If you manually completely delete the app from the iPhone and then run it again, does the error go away?

If I do a Clean and then a Build it seems to be fine.

Then indeed looks like some issue with Delphi and caching (dcu) mechanism...

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