DBAdvStringGrid CanSort with pagemode


I am using a TDBAdvGrid with Pagemode = FALSE.
I perform my OWN CUSTOM sorting by sorting the clientdataset to which it is connected according to user selection - row two has a check box for each column so that the user can click any number of checks in the column and then the data is sorted using each field, in the order in which it is clicked. 

When i have the pagemode false, the grid does display my  sort. if I set it to TRUE, then my sorting works fine. 

I want pagemode off because with pagemode on, I get nasty flicker and sometimes large amounts of blank rows which dont display data. I also dont want to go back to the database for each sort operation - should be localised to the PC to avoid excessive traffic

Any help / ideas?



I'm not 100% sure I understand your situation. You mention:

"When i have the pagemode false, the grid does display my  sort. if I set it to TRUE, then my sorting works fine."

so, it is unclear in what circumstances you have a problem since you mention in both scenarios you see the sort?

When PageMode = false, grid is disconnected from the dataset after loading and sorting should be performed on data in the grid. When PageMode = true, the grid remains connected to the dataset and sorting should be performed on the dataset.