DBAdvGrid Checkbox

Goodmorning to all,

   in a dbadvgrid j need to display a check box in a boolean column (field).

In order to customize my grid, with a procedure (setcolumns) j set the columns j need to display and with this j try to put the checkboxes

for I:=1 to DbAdvGrid1.rowCount-1 do


Where 7 is my column, I is the row.

The cycle start from 1 to avoid the checkbox drawing on first row (0) that is the title, but j still have the checkbox in the title.

There's a way to skip the title row and draw the checkbox only from the real first grid row ?

Thank's for the attention

Best regard


We have retested this with our latest version and following code: 

but we could not see such problem here. 

Can you first download the latest version and check if the problem persists. If the problem persists, could you please provide some sample source app with which we can reproduce the problem here.

goodafternoon, with your code (to be honest j miss this ... sorry)


it's ok, but with this code

for I:=1 to DbAdvGrid1.rowCount-1 do


the problem remain (ok, there's no reason to use this but .....).

Thank's again for your quick reply.

Best regard


Are you using a floatingfooter?

Please change your code to:
for I:=1 to DbAdvGrid1.rowCount-1 - DBAdvGrid1.FixedFooters do 