DBAdvEdit final OnChange don't start, if precis.=1

Hi !

I chaged the value of DBAdvEdit by keyboard, and found this

Type the number 6.2

The Onchange run 3x (6 . 2), then 1x, when i leave the DBAdvEdit (for example ReturnIsTab).  Summarize fired 4x.

If i set the precision 1, the last 1 OnChange (when leave the control) did'nt runned, only the first 3.
If i set other precision value, fox example 3, everything OK.

It's reproducable by a IBDataset, DBAdvEdit

Thanks in advance.

Delphi XE up1, IBX, TMS CP, WIN7

A bit of information was out:
incorrect working only if type a float number.

If type an integer number, everything OK.
If precision <>1, everything OK.
Incorrect working only if precison=1, and type a float numer.