DBAdvEdit and Enter key


Please put a form 2 DBAdvEdit, then 2 DBEdit.
Make an editable dataset, for example a IBDataset (+IBDatabase, IBTransaction, Datasource).
Connect the DBAdvEdits and DBEdits to dataset 2-2 value in pair.

Run (IBDAtabase.Open, IBDataset.Open, IBDatabase.Edit).

We can see some value.

Ok, try delete with keyboard (DELETE button) the DBAdvEdit1's value, then TAB.
The DBEdit1's (DBAdvEdit's pair) value delete too, thats ok.

Delete with keyboard (DELETE button) any DBAdvEdit's value, but push ENTER button before delete.
The DBEdit's value dont't delete ! This mean, the delete didnt perform.

The matter is the ENTER button.
If I push a ENTER any DBAdvEdit, then no effect the delete the value with DELETE button, the value remained.

Windows 7, Delphi XE, TMS CP

I tested this and I cannot see a different behavior between TDBEdit and TDBAdvEdit with respect to handling TAB or ENTER key. Both have the same behavior. Pressing enter has no direct function with default settings. When clicking the other control after pressing enter, the value is correct in the other control.

Ok, lets try again.

DBEdit must have beacuse verify the DBAdvEdit value.

2 result:

1: correct: press TAB key on any DBADvEdit, then SHIFT+TAB, DELETE, TAB. The value deleted correct.
2, problem: press Enter key on any DBAdvEdit, then TAB key, SHIFT+TAB

Ahh, I type too quick, sorry.

Ok, lets try again.

DBEdit must have beacuse verify the DBAdvEdit value.

2 result:

1: correct: press TAB key on any DBADvEdit, then SHIFT+TAB, DELETE, TAB. The value deleted correct.
2, problem: press Enter key on any DBAdvEdit, then TAB key, SHIFT+TAB, DELETE, TAB. The value didn't delete.

The 2. way similar to 1. way, only the intro ENTER key the different.

The result see in DBEdit, but if you will try post and commit the result same as above.

What exactly is the difference you see between DBEdit and DBAdvEdit?
We cannot see a difference in behavior here.

You are do through all keyboard step  ?

The DBAdvEdit only seemingly delete the value, but it dont do this. The DBEdit show, that DBADvEdit didnt delete the value.

Or try save the seemingly deleted data (post, commit). And see the saved result: didnt delete the value.

1) I tested this with the keyboard

2) I perform RETURN on the DBAdvEdit and it doesn't remove the value from the DBEdit.
BUT ,  when I perform RETURN on the DBEdit, it doesn't remove the value from another DBEdit or DBAdvEdit either. So, the behavior in response to the RETURN key is identical between TDBEdit and TDBAdvEdit as far as I can see here.

Ok, again :)


Don't delete the conencted database value, when press DELETE key on keyboard.


In normal case, when on DBAdvEdit press a Delete key (on keyboard), the DBAdvEdit's value will delete.
Delete the visible DBAdvEdit's value, and delete the connected (DBAdvEdit.Datasource.Dataset.FieldByName(DBAdvEdit.DataField).AsValue) database value (after post and commit).

In other case, in first press ENTER on DBAdvEdit.
Then you try press DELETE key.
Seemingly the DBAdvEdit's value deleted, all right.


- If you have simple DBEdit connected same datasource and datafield, visible, that the value didn't delete.
- Or if you post and commit, then search for the value in database, visible, that it didn't delete.

Either your steps are wrong, some detail is missing or it can't be reproduced.
Our test app can be downloaded here: http://www.tmssoftware.com/temp/DBAdvEdit_Enter.zip 

I downloaded this.

The test work incorrect too.


If first starting, I pressed DELETE, then TAB.         OK, the DBEdit.Value deleted .

In second, I pressed ENTER, DELETE, then TAB. Wrong, the DBEdit.Value didn't delete.

Some other disfunction:


I'm sorry but I cannot make any sense of this download page, it's in a language I do not understand. What about using something simple to share a file like Dropbox?

We could finally reproduce this issue and have applied a fix. Next update will have this fix.