Component Pack Pro Trial in Delphi 2010 Enterprise

I have downloaded trial version of Intraweb component pack pro and after starting setup.exe it tells me not to find Delphi oder C++ Builder 2010. After clicking OK it told me that Delphi 2010 is running and I have to close it. After installation and setting the path in Delphi 2010 an existing project can not be compiled. The error message is : F2063: Unit 'iwwebgrid.pas' cannot be compiled (I'm using german version, so I don't know the exact english version of the error message)
IWWebGrid.dcu can be found at the location where the setup has installed the files. It is the same path that i have entered in the library path in <Tools>--<Options>.

What am i doing wrong ?

Greetings from germany


We have found an issue in the installer that it did an incorrect detection of the Delphi version installed. We've fixed this and we'll have an update of the trial version installer today. 
About the issue with "iwwebgrid.pas cannot be compiled", are  you using IntraWeb version v10.0.17 (this is the version with which our trial is compiled) as the Delphi compiler strict binary compatibility checks require that the exact same IntraWeb version is used to be able to work with the provided DCU files (a limitation that does not exist when working with the full source code based registered version)

It seems to be that version of intraweb. I downloaded it some days before to get the arcanatech components to work.
There is no file containing a version numbre in the intraweb directory.
But now, after downloading and installing the new trial the projects containing your components can be compiled.
Thank you very much for your help.