Compatibility FLEXCEL 3.x with C++Builder 11 Pro

I have a lot of program build in c++builder that use FlexCel Version 3 and FlexCel 6.x
I would migrate from C++Builder 10 to C++Builder.
Are there problems if i use FlexCel 3 with last version fo C++BuilderPro?

After IDE migration i restart migration from FlexCel 3 to last version.

No problem, FlexCel 3 supports up to the latest C++ builder.
The only issue is that the latest FlexCel 3 is not available to download from our webpage anymore (it caused many mistakes of people downloading and using FlexCel 3 when they should ahve downloaded FlexCel 7). So to get it, you need to email me to with your registration information and I'll send you the link