I am looking for a button than can be colored. I have fiund a nice one : TVrShadowButton
but his one does not manage focus view and tab order which is really a big problem for my application has it is used mainly without mouse !!
I have also found TAdvSmoothButton and TAdvGlowButton but I just need a simple color inside.
I will need as well to have a multiline caption.
Do you know any component that answers all my need ?
Thanks a lot
A possible way with TAdvGlowButton
ATones: TColorTones;
ATones.Foreground.BrushColor := clYellow;
ATones.Background.BrushColor := clYellow;
ATones.Selected.BrushColor := clYellow;
ATones.Hover.BrushColor := clYellow;
AdvGlowButton1.Caption := 'Line1'#13#10'Line2';
Thanks a lot, this one looks great, not as easy to use than TVrShadowButton but this is nothing.
It is just a shame for TVrShadowButton because that one was really nice looking with the shadow !
This is really poor idea not to give it focus and tab order... :-(
Thanks again Bruno !