Codecompletion in non visual script

I am using scripter as part of my application to do some user defined tasks in the background. There is no visible component for the script.The user can edit the script inside the application. No files are involved, the scriptcode is stored in a tables BLOB field.
The scripter is fed using RTTI with several internal classes and objects. The ScrMemo is used as editor.
Now I want to give the user the ability to see the published values of the classes I added via code completion while editing.
I already tried to use the IDE components but the IDE does not even show the right sourcecode that is displayed in the Memo.
The IDE component still shows the unit1 / unit2 that it does in the demo.
I have no idea where this sourcecode comes from.
The IDEEngine, IDEScripter, IDEDialog and IDEMemo are all there, connected together and filled with the proper sourcecode, the IDEScripter compiled it.
So it seems the IDE is usable only for form creation.
Is there another way to add code completion ?

Gerhard Sachs
I found some information in a post of 2015.
After adding these two lines the IDE shows my project now and codecompletion works.
So this problem is solved.
I have more questions that I will post separately if necessary.

Gerhard Sachs