Can not active in VSC

Hello, an error message is shown when I active my license in VSC on a Windows 7 computer, any idea??

Do you have an internet connection on this machine? It looks like an issue with trying to send requests to our server for activation of the license.

Yes, I have. I can access your website on this machine.On my another notebook computer with Windows10 the activation is correct.

I found the TMS Subscription Manager has same issue on Windows7. I capture packets with Charles, when TMS Subscription Manager connected to server, the return was as below

No more data be sent or be recieved, it is almost same when activing in VSC.

The network is good, all other appcations can access internet very well.

I also try to active with TMSLicenseGenerator.exe and the bug report is in attachment.

bugreport.txt (72.8 KB)

And still the license generator cannot perform a HTTP request to our server.
Do you have any antivirus or other security tool running that might block HTTP requests from our license generator?
Maybe you can also check with a (free) tool like Fiddler what is happening with the HTTP requests from the license generator on your machine.