Avoid repainting of a ribbon


in my application I use following approach to show ribbons depending on the context:
I create all TAdvToolBar on a child-form and if its get visible the Parent of the toolbar is set to the depending TAdvPage.

But if I place a lot of toolbars on different ribbon-pages it causes a lot of flickering because the ribbon is repainted after I add a toolbar.

Is there any way to avoid the repainting of the ribbon while I add the toolbars?


Could you please contact us by email with some sample source code with which we can reproduce this issue here.

For example, code similar to

  atb: TAdvToolBar;
  atb := TAdvToolBar.Create(advtoolbarpager11);

to add toolbars in the ribbon is not causing any flickering here.
The problem occurs if I add multiple toolbars to one page and set the index, because I want to add them as the first position. After every insert the ribbon is repainted.
I'm looking for something like BeginUpdate / EndUpdate to add the toolbars without repainting the ribbon - and after all is done it should be painted once.

Here is some sample code:

  atb: TAdvToolBar;
  atb := TAdvToolBar.Create(Self);
  atb.Parent := advtoolbarpager11;
  atb.ToolBarIndex := 0;
  atb := TAdvToolBar.Create(Self);
  atb.Parent := advtoolbarpager11;
  atb.ToolBarIndex := 1;
  atb := TAdvToolBar.Create(Self);
  atb.Parent := advtoolbarpager11;
  atb.ToolBarIndex := 0;
  atb := TAdvToolBar.Create(Self);
  atb.Parent := advtoolbarpager11;
  atb.ToolBarIndex := 0;


We're investigating this.