AV when using AdvListView in Project

Hi together,

i ported my projects from XE9 to 10 Seattle but after doing this i had problems with the TAdvListView. In every project i used th TAdvListView i got AccessViolations, so i removed them and replaced them with TListViews. Then everything works. As a matter of fact i can reproduce this but i cannot create a demo project. if i use a clear project everything works fine. in the ported project just dropping a TAdvListView to the form and starting the project out of the IDE or without gives me the AV.

i already removed dcu's and history and everything not needed. i use the latest version of the TMS Component Studio.

Maybe someone has an idea on this problem or has had similar problems.


We are not aware of an issue with TAdvListView.
Did you try our TAdvListView sample app? Is this working for you?

Hi Bruno,

of course i tried the demo and it works like a charm ... i have no idea what the probem is so i just asked carefully around here.

As i said ... in the demos or in a fresh app there is no problem with the TAdvListView.

I will try figuring out what this may be but in fact i am a bit clueless ... i also tried with a fresh and clean install and with even a fresh install uncluding the whole system.

The AV gives me nothing really sinfull ... its an AV at adress 000000 with a read error at adress 000000


When you copy the TAdvListView with its config & event handlers in a new project, is this also causing the AV? If so, could you send this project so we can inspect?

Well ... i tried to figure out what the problem is but if i add all the same components with all the code step by step to a new form everything works .... but if i add a TAdvListView to teh old form it wont work ... well ... means a lot of work to me but i think as always you all did a great job and it will depend on the porting from xe8 or the other componets used ... i have no idea ...

if i will ever figure out what the problem is i will tell you ... thank a lot and keep on coding such great compos.

Greets from germany,


Thanks for keeping us posted when you find out more details.