Delphi 7
Windows 7 64 bits
Using the component TdbPlanner, if I have property AutoThemeAdapt in True, gives me an Access Violation.
According to the last lines of EurekaLog says:
|02AE5072|dbpland7.bpl |AdvStyleIF.pas |TThemeNotifier |RegisterWindow |545[1] |
|02AE5068|dbpland7.bpl |AdvStyleIF.pas |TThemeNotifier |RegisterWindow |544[0] |
|02B002AA|dbpland7.bpl |Planner.pas |TCustomPlanner |Loaded |8696[50] |
|02B0011C|dbpland7.bpl |Planner.pas |TCustomPlanner |Loaded |8646[0] |
|02B3A697|dbpland7.bpl |DBPlanner.pas |TDBPlanner |Loaded |938[1] |
This is to take it into account in future releases.
Sorry for my poor English.
Are you sure you're using the latest version of the component?
If so,
could you please give an indication of how you use the component?
When we just drop a TDBPlanner on the form with AutoThemeAdapt = true,
we do not see any issue here.
I'm using version v3.0.2.1 (it's the former, but I see that name this problem).
It is not easy to play, since I use the component with many components (DBDaySource, DBActiveDaySource, DBDisjunctDaySource, DBHalfDayPeriodSource, DBMonthSource, etc) and also many proprietary components, but I changed the value of the property AutoThemeAdapt and gave no error.
If I find something else to tell them I will.
Thanks for the quick response.