Auto Filters in Header of one Grid

Hello all

I need to implement the following.
I have one dbgrid connected to a query.
the grid display 6-7 columns.
For 4 columns i need to display in the header a combo (or something like this) for a automated filter.
Exactly like an excell.
see image
tks for any advice.

You might consider an approach like in

but when you use a DB grid , you'll need to use the filter events to change your query to update the dataset when DBAdvGrid.PageMode = true. When DBAdvGrid.PageMode = false, you can use the built-in filtering shown in sample 77.

many excuses.

The application is an Intraweb application.

Sorry, for an IntraWeb grid, we currently unfortunately do not have this functionality built-in. You'd need to put comboboxes on top of the grid separately and handle it from there.

tks for answer.