
Using Delphi XE5 with TMS components build 64 bit Win 7 pro. 8GB.

I have a main from which is a class of TAdvtoolbarForm. It has all the usual culprits, including a TAdvToolbar Styler. If the styler is set to on of the Office 2013 styles at design time, I am getting a FormActivate event before I get the FormCreate event. Needless to say this causes many problems.

The event is being triggered in the ToolbarStyler during the Loaded process. I have traced it as far as line 4462:

          APager.SetOfficeTones(FTones, gsOffice2013);

The obvious work around is to not set the style to one of the 2013 styles at design time.

This was internally already fixed. The next update will address this.
