Problem with ADVToolbar since V8.8.3.1


I'm using Delphi XE5

since Version V8.8.3.1 I can't open my form anymore, where the advtoolbar is used.

He is complaining about the AdvToolBarButton.ImageIndex

In Version I can open and compile the program without any problems

best regards


What is the specific situation where the TAdvToolBarButton is used? What parent control for example? What exact error message do you get?


The ADVToolbar is located on a ADVToolbarPager which is located on the Mainform.

Following Error message Appears when I try to open the form inside the IDE:
Error reading ADVToolBarButton1.ImageIndex : Acess violation at adress 256CD4B9 in Module TMSDXE5.bpl.
Read od adress 00000331. ignore the error and continue....

several messages like this appears.
When I ignore the Error, the form will be not shown

In Version V8.8.3.0 and earlier the Error will not happen.

If you need, I can send you the DFM and Pas file

best regards



if I remove from ADVToolbar.pas following lines

      if FAdvToolBar.FRuntimeCreate then
        W := Round(W/scale);

      if FAdvToolBar.FRuntimeCreate then
        H := Round(H/scale);

I can Open my Form again and no Errors will be shown any more

I create the Toolbar at Design Time and not at runtime.

Best regards


We have investigated & applied a fix for this. We'll release an update with this fix as soon as possible.

That's great

