AdvStickyPopupMenu and AdvAlertWindow on ChildForm

I am using a MDI Child form application.

On the Child form I use the AdvStickyPopupMenu and the AdvAlertWindow. Can I place one of the components on my main form and then call it to display on the Child form when needed? Or do I need to add the component to the Child Form so each child form has its own component?  Right now I add the components to the Child Form and it seems like a lot of extra overhead when I have a lot of child forms open. Can you tell me the best way to use these components on Child Form..

I figured out the screen position issue You can use the code below to position the AdvAlertWindow1

on the Child Form.
TPoint P;
TPoint MyPos;
P = ChildForm->ClientToScreen(MyPos);
MainForm->AdvAlertWindow1->PopupTop = P.y;
MainForm->AdvAlertWindow1->PopupLeft = P.x;