Help adding text to AdvAlertWindow with C++ Code

I am working with C++Builder 2009.
I need a little help getting started with AdvAlertWindow. I am setting my HTML code in a UnicodeString and then I am trying to create a new message and add the UnicodeString to the Text element. The code below is from a Delphi example. Can you show me how to make this work in C++.
UnicodeString My;
My =  "<FONT face=\"Arial\" color=\"clRed\" >"+Name1+"</FONT> <FONT face=\"Arial\" >"+Name2+"</FONT>";
AdvAlertWindow1->AlertMessages.Add->Text->Text = My;

This code works fine here:

  UnicodeString My;
  My =  "<FONT face="Arial" color="clRed" >Name1</FONT> <FONT face="Arial" >Name2</FONT>";

  AdvAlertWindow1->AlertMessages->Add()->Text->Text = My;

I was missing the brackets () after Add().   Sorry for that simple question.

Is there a way to have the AdvAlertWindow1 on a main form and set the position to display on a MDI Child form when I call it? This way I could use one AdvAlertWindow1 for all my Child Forms.

I figured out the screen position issue You can use the code below to position the AdvAlertWindow1

 on the Child Form.
TPoint P;
TPoint MyPos;
P = ChildForm->ClientToScreen(MyPos);
MainForm->AdvAlertWindow1->PopupTop = P.y;
MainForm->AdvAlertWindow1->PopupLeft = P.x;