AdvComboBox, ReturnIsTab, FormShow


1,  On form1 press the RETURN key, eg. on a button, and in the button's event show an other form (eg. form2.ShowModal).

2, On form2 the first control, which get focus, an AdvCombobox. Eg. AdvCombobox.Taborder=0 or in form2.FormShow AdvCombobox.SetFocus.

If AdvCombobox.ReturnIsTab=true, the AdvCombobox get the focus, but instantly give to the next control.
If AdvCombobox.ReturnIsTab=false, the AdvCombobox get the focus.

If other type of control get the focus eg. AdvEdit, everything perfect.

Thanks in advance.

Delphi XE7, Windows7, TMS CP

Thanks for reporting. We traced & solved this issue. The next update will address this.