AdvChart.pas recursively uses itself (D7), File not found AdvToolTip.dcu

I've just converted from subscription manager to smart setup, and I'm having issues with Delphi 7 installation (Delphi 12 on same machine fine)

Error 1
C:\Users\edward\AppData\Local\TMS Setup\Products\tms.vcl.chart\AdvChart.pas(1) Fatal: Program or unit '........\Products\tms.vcl.chart\AdvChart.pas' recursively uses itself

"TMS VCL Chart" in IDE delphi7 in Platform win32intel: One or more errors occurred

Error 2:
C:\Users\edward\AppData\Local\TMS Setup\Products\tms.vcl.uipack\AdvDateTimePicker.pas(27) Fatal: File not found: 'AdvToolTip.dcu' (91.3 KB)

TMSGUI is now failing - when first started I get:

[ERROR] Error running TTmsInfoRunner: Could not parse info result as JSON object (ETmsRunner)
[ERROR] Error running TTmsCredentialsRunner: Could not parse info result as JSON object (ETmsRunner)

When I looked at the logs, it appeared as though the installs were failing the debug version - I was going to use tmsgui to try and just install the production code (non-debug) - tms gui displays a blank form with the two errors.

What's the suggested way to correct this?


That was a bug we introduced in SmartSetup 1.1. It was fixed in 1.1.1

Just do a tms self-update from the command line or redownload the latest version and it should be fixed.

Note that you can also do tms config from the command line to remove "debug dcus" option, or press "configure" in tmsgui, both do the same.

Thanks Adrian - that removed some issues, but I still get the same errors in AdvChart and tms.vcl.uipack.

I removed uipack, then installed it with the Subscription manager - but of course I can't get things like vcl.excel.bridge to install now.

Can you suggest anything else I can try in order to get tms.vcl.uipack working in smart setup?
