I've just converted from subscription manager to smart setup, and I'm having issues with Delphi 7 installation (Delphi 12 on same machine fine)
Error 1
C:\Users\edward\AppData\Local\TMS Setup\Products\tms.vcl.chart\AdvChart.pas(1) Fatal: Program or unit '........\Products\tms.vcl.chart\AdvChart.pas' recursively uses itself
"TMS VCL Chart" in IDE delphi7 in Platform win32intel: One or more errors occurred
Error 2:
C:\Users\edward\AppData\Local\TMS Setup\Products\tms.vcl.uipack\AdvDateTimePicker.pas(27) Fatal: File not found: 'AdvToolTip.dcu'
[ERROR] Error running TTmsInfoRunner: Could not parse info result as JSON object (ETmsRunner)
[ERROR] Error running TTmsCredentialsRunner: Could not parse info result as JSON object (ETmsRunner)
When I looked at the logs, it appeared as though the installs were failing the debug version - I was going to use tmsgui to try and just install the production code (non-debug) - tms gui displays a blank form with the two errors.