8.9.2 to 8.9.6 broke dbadvgrid editing

I applied the update today.  Now i go into my dbadvgrid and after editing and single row, i cannot to anything else.  Was the eprow/epcell post mode issue addressed?

I'm still new to this package but it seems very difficult to maintain consistent behavior of the control.
I enter my grid, click on a cell to edit, then arrow down to next cell and get an error that the dataset is readonly errors or no editing at all.  The grid is acting completely different and has made application unusable.  

Nevermind.  Too many problems.  I will have to start again.  Grid does not like me or my code.  I will try again with it.

We're not aware of changes in TDBAdvGrid between 8.9.2 & 8.9.6 that would cause different behavior with editing. If a problem might persist, please let us know the details to allow us to investigate.


I can't use 8.9.6 because LOTS OF BUGS in grid behavior and rollback to my previous stable 8.8.x.x

Can you please provide more details? What exactly goes wrong? Can any of the issues you experience be seen in the TDBAdvGrid demos?

I had problem with dataset posting and apply updates making cursor out of whack and down arrow making funny things happen.  I have moved/changed code for dataset and i think resolved my problem for now.  Too many changes troubleshooting to remember where my problem was.