xdata aurelius fieldnames with - display sql errors

i want make a xdata restserver with al table with fieldnames like


With a firedac mysql syntax

"error": {
"code": "MySQLNativeException",
"message": "[FireDAC][Phys][MySQL] You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '-Mail, A.Internet AS A_Internet, A.Erster_Kontakt AS A_Erster_Kontakt, A.Letztes' at line 1"

[Column('E-Mail', [], 60)]
FEMail: Nullable<string>;

property EMail: Nullable<string> read FEMail write FEMail;

How i can solve this problem?

E-Mail is not a valid field name, as it contains a hyphen (which is a minus sign). Quickest way to solve this is simply wrap the field name with quotes or the back tick (MySQL specific):

[Column('"E-Mail"', [], 60)]


[Column('`E-Mail`', [], 60)]

Alternatively if you want ao more general approach you can use the OnGetIdName event:

it don't works

[Column('"E-Mail"', [], 60)]

SQL Error:

.....right syntax to use near '"E-Mail" AS A_"E-Mail", A

[Column('E-Mail', [], 60)]

SQL Error:

..... right syntax to use near '-Mail, A.Internet

Ah right, sorry about that. Then the approach will be using the OnGetIdName event:

  (TSQLGeneratorRegister.GetInstance.GetGenerator('MySQL') as TAnsiSQLGenerator)
    .OnGetIdName :=
      function(AName: string): string
        Result := AName;
        if Pos('-', Result) then
          Result := '"' + Result + '"';

unfortunately I don't know where to embed it. I can't find any instructions for it either. Is there an example of this?

Just put it at the beginning of your application, or any place that is executed before you do anything with Aurelius.

ok i have it now, my problem is not solved:

"error": {
"code": "MySQLNativeException",
"message": "[FireDAC][Phys][MySQL] You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '"E-Mail" AS "A_E-Mail", A.Internet AS A_Internet, A.Erster_Kontakt AS A_Erster_K' at line 1"

uses ....


procedure TServerContainer.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
 (TSQLGeneratorRegister.GetInstance.GetGenerator('MySQL') as TAnsiSQLGenerator)
    .OnGetIdName :=
      function(AName: string): string
        Result := AName;
        if Pos('-', Result)>0 then
          Result := '"' + Result + '"';

now it works

Result := '`' + Result + '`';

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