WebUpdate & error 12006

I'm trying to use the WebUpdate component, but I keep getting this error: The application correctly downloads the inf file from the web, correctly detects that an update is available, but when it tries to download the update file, error 12006 appears.
My test inf file comes out like this:



The output of the log file is:
13/06/2023 17:17:58 : [918] Checking for Internet connection (Status:3) (Error:0)
13.06.2023 17:17:58 : [921] Found open Internet connection (Status:3) (Error:0)
13.06.2023 17:17:58 : [915] Download : https://xxx.xxx.cz/NK5.INF (Status:3) (Error:0)
13.06.2023 17:17:59 : [926] Update control file found (Status:3) (Error:0)
13.06.2023 17:17:59 : [943] Found file update instruction (Status:3) (Error:0)
13.06.2023 17:17:59 : [971] Processing file : whatsnew.txt[whatsnew.txt,nv=,nd=,ns=0,nc=-1] (Status:0) (Error:0)
13.06.2023 17:17:59 : [979] Check versions (Status:3) (Error:0)
13.06.2023 17:17:59 : [915] Download : whatsnew.txt (Status:3) (Error:0)
13.06.2023 17:17:59 : [976] System error : URL contains unknown protocol.
(Status:1) (Error:12006)
13.06.2023 17:17:59 : [917] File not found : whatsnew.txt (Status:2) (Error:1)
13.06.2023 17:17:59 : [946] Cannot download update file : whatsnew.txt (Status:2) (Error:9)
13.06.2023 17:18:01 : [949] Closed Internet connection (Status:3) (Error:0)
13.06.2023 17:18:01 : [949] Closed Internet connection (Status:3) (Error:0)
13.06.2023 17:18:04 : [949] Closed Internet connection (Status:3) (Error:0)

Unable to figure out the cause of this error. Can you please advise me?

Try to specify the full HTTP URL for the whatsnew.txt file.

Thank you, this INF file really works:



But in this case, I guess you can't use UpdateBuilder if it only stores the filename in the INF file? Or am I wrong?

Did you set the under Global Settings, Upload, HTTP base url to https://xxx.xxx.cz/ ?

I'm sorry, I didn't notice that. Everything seems fine now, thank you. Now I have everything fine-tuned to my liking :).

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