WebStellarDataStoreClientDataSet / how to setup in a WebCore app

I am able to connect a WebApp using an accesstoken. Im am also able to connect using OAuth with a VCL application to stellards. But I cannot manage to setup a web app with oauth.
I'm struggling where and how to setup the AuthUrl, CallbackURL and I'm not sure if I need to setup an extra redirect URL used when stellards-auth is finished. Could you please tell me how these should be setup?
Is it mandatory to use a WebStellarDataStoreConnection ?
There are a lot of examples using accesstoken - but I cant find useful demos, blog-entries or video where the oauth-process for stellards-"world" with WebCore is explained well for beginners.
A lot of questions - some hints would be great...

I finally got it working. The CallbackURL for the VCL-App and the Web-App are different (of course) and must be setup in the StellarDS portal in the Applications-section. They must be separated there by a Semikolon. AuthURL and any other extra redirect-URL is not needed. Basically really just clientid, secret, Callback-URL is needed.
A WebStellarDataStoreConnection is not needed to connect to one single table.
After trying and reading a lot the oauth-process it is now more clear to me.