WebGMapsGeocoding Address error


WebGMapsGeocoding1.Address:='SÃO PAULO , MOOCA , BRASIL';


Project Project1.exe raised exception class EDOMParseError with message 'An invalid character was found in text content.

Line: 7
  <formatted_address>Mooca, S'.

Can somebody help me?

Is this the latest version of the component and if so, what Delphi version are  you using?

Hi Bruno,
WebGMapsGeocoding: v1.0.0.1
Delphi 2007
WIndows 7

try find this city, SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL on demo version.


This issue has been fixed.
The update will be available with the next release of the TMS WebGMaps.

Can you tell me when? I need finish my project.

tks again

We'll try to schedule this for next week.


I was wondering of this issue has been fixed yet.  I currently have the same problem with the folowing city : "Trois-Rivières, CANADA". I am using version of WebGMapsGeocoding which I installed through version of the WebGMaps package.


This issue has been fixed internally and the update that contains this fix is scheduled to be released this week.