WebCore 1.3.4 error


After update WEBCore to 1 3.4 version I have an error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: resizableGrid is not defined
    at Object.EnableColResize (dotwpwa.js:19666)
    at Object.RenderGrid (dotwpwa.js:19534)
    at Object.UpdateElement (dotwpwa.js:19562)
    at Object.EndUpdate (dotwpwa.js:7233)
    at Object.AfterLoadDFMValues (dotwpwa.js:4506)
    at Object.LoadDFMValues (dotwpwa.js:25587)
    at Object.CreateNewForm (dotwpwa.js:12383)
    at Object.DoFormLoad (dotwpwa.js:12168)
    at XMLHttpRequest.cb (dotwpwa.js:222)

In js file the error point to:
this.EnableColResize = function () {
      var TableName = "";
      var ResizeEnabled = false;
      TableName = this.FName;
      ResizeEnabled = this.FOptions.FResizeColumns;
      if (!(4 in this.FComponentState)) {
        resizableGrid(TableName, ResizeEnabled);

I cannot reproduce this.
Do you see this with our demo?
Steps to reproduce?

I see that on generated js file is only one place with resizableGrid function definition, but this function is created by AddControlScriptSource and function resizableGrid is not visible.

    this.CreateElement = function () {
      var Result = null;
      Result = document.createElement("DIV");
      this.FTable = null;
      this.AddControlScriptSource("var pageX,curCol,nxtCol,curColWidth,nxtColWidth,autoWidth,curTable,curTableWidth;" + "autoWidth = false;" + "function resizeColumn(e) {" + "   if (curCol) {" + "    var diffX = e.pageX - pageX;" + "\t\tif ((nxtCol) && (!autoWidth)){" + '\t\t nxtCol.style.width = (nxtColWidth - diffX)+"px";' + "   } else {" + "   }" + "   newColWidth = (curColWidth + diffX);" + "   if (newColWidth < 10)" + "    newColWidth = 10;" + '\t  curCol.style.width = newColWidth + "px";' + "   }" + " }" + "function resetResize() {" + "   curCol = undefined;" + "   nxtCol = undefined;" + "   pageX = undefined;" + "   nxtColWidth = undefined;" + "   curColWidth = undefined;" + "   curTable = undefined;" + "   curTableWidth = undefined;" + " }" + "function resizableGrid(tablename, enabled) {" + ' var table = document.getElementById(tablename + "Table");' + " if (!table) return;" + ' var row = table.getElementsByTagName("tr")[0],' + " cols = row ? row.children : undefined;" + " if (!cols) return;" + " for (var i=0;i<cols.length;i++){" + '  var coldiv = document.getElementById(tablename + "Div" + i);' + "  if (coldiv)" + "    coldiv.remove();" + "  if (enabled) {" + "    var div = createDiv();" + "    cols.appendChild(div);" + '    cols.style.position = "relative";' + '    div.id = tablename + "Div" + i;' + "    setListeners(div);" + "  }" + " }" + " function setListeners(div){" + '  div.addEventListener("mousedown", function (e) {' + "   curCol = e.target.parentElement;" + "   nxtCol = curCol.nextElementSibling;" + "   pageX = e.pageX;" + "   curColWidth = curCol.offsetWidth;" + "   curTable = curCol.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;" + "   curTableWidth = curTable.offsetWidth;" + "   if (nxtCol)" + "    nxtColWidth = nxtCol.offsetWidth;" + "  });" + '  div.addEventListener("mouseover", function (e) {' + '   e.target.style.borderRight = "2px solid #0000ff";' + "  });" + '  div.addEventListener("mouseout", function (e) {' + '   e.target.style.borderRight = "";' + "  });" + '  document.addEventListener("mousemove", function (e) {' + "   resizeColumn(e);" + "  });" + '  document.addEventListener("mouseup", function (e) {' + "   resetResize(e);" + "  });" + " }" + " function createDiv(){" + '  var div = document.createElement("div");' + "  div.style.top = 0;" + "  div.style.right = 0;" + '  div.style.width = "10px";' + '  div.style.position = "absolute";' + '  div.style.cursor = "col-resize";' + '  div.style.userSelect = "none";' + '  div.style.height = "100%";' + '  div.innerHTML = "&nbsp;";' + "  return div;" + " }" + "};");
      return Result;

Steps to reproduce?

I will try reproduce it in my application but give me info when and for which kind of object function EnableColResize is running?

I prepared simple example program to reproduce this issue.
Download from https://appmaster.pl/tms/


We fixed the issue. It was only under the circumstances of linking to a HTML template table.

We'll release an update asap.

Ok ... thank you

If it can help, we can send an incremental source update to help you immediately. Contact us by email for this.

No problem I can wait ... but when do you plan update ... today or rather next week?

We aim for Feb 10 or Feb 11

ok I will wait to next week ... for me it isn't critical at the moment ... thank you for info

Hi Bruno, I ran in to the same issue and posted in XDATA forum as it happens when I try and generate a crud via the wizzard as well.   


We plan to release an update today or tomorrow.