Update Builder Version Compare


My application, version 2021.9.9.260 finds the "Version Based update".

The updatefile contains the following version : newversion=2022.4.4.269

Still, I get the message "no new version found"

What can be the cause of this ?

My 'old' application is build in Delphi 2007, and the new version is build in Delphi10.4

I used UpdateBuilder version

Is it possible it has something to do with unicode ?

kind regards,

Dirk Janssens

If you still use Delphi 2007 (i.e. non-unicode), you need to set the INF file encoding to ANSI

Is there any reason for NOT using the ANSI encoding?
The Delphi 10.4 can handle both without problems, am I right ?

If you use unicode characters in update instructions for example, ANSI cannot be used.

OK, thank you