Update 6.7.3


Sorry, but sometimes i hate you...

I desined the GUI with AdvGlowButtons.Rounded:= False with 6.7.1 and a FormStyler with Office2010Black Style.  After the Update to 6.7.3 the AdvGlowButtons are in Designtime not Rounded but always in Runtime Rounded !
The AdvOfficePagerTab was also not Rounded. After the Update they was Rounded with 1.

I switched back to 6.7.1 and at Runtime the Buttons / Pager looks like i want.

Why this ? Why you make this Changes ?  Why you dont check enough your Work ? Why i must spend a lot of time to try to correct this ? ... without a Chance...

Why do I always have fear when trying an Update ? Its not professional...

PS: It´s not the first time...