Unable to update to RAD Studio 10.4

Hello, I just updated my webcore version to the 1.8.3 (Sirolo) in RAD Studio 10.4 and I lost all the functionalities after that. The installation seemed to be OK, but I noticed I have just the Win32 target available when I open the demo projects. I cant find anymore the pas2js specific config when I open the project options. So, after a successful compilation, I cannot run any webcore application in the webbrowser.
During the update, after download the 1.8.3 installer from TMS Website, I also noticed that the installer recognized all the compilers installed in my machine, but only the Lazarus options was checked for installing, I'm not sure if this detail is relevante, but I remember when installing previous versions, all found compilers where checked by default in the install tool. Also, I can't find the TMS Webcore tool listed in the Subscription Manager tool anymore, previously I had Webcore in there.
Any clue about what could be happening? Thanks.

  1. First perform a full uninstall from the Windows Control Panel Add/Remove software
  2. Verify that after uninstall, you do not see TMS WEB Core anymore in the Delphi IDE
  3. Reinstall from the same Windows user account as the one with which you installed & run Delphi

Had to go a bit further and uninstall the entire business subscription suite. After that I deleted manually the old installation folders and reinstalled all the components. After this procedure I have all the components fully functional again.