TWebDBTableControl cell class removed when browsers resized

Hi Team,

I am facing css class issue that applied to WebDBTableControl when resizing the browser.

I have set WEBDBTableControl cell class by using onGetCellClass event and this works fine when the page loads but the class styles remove when I resize the browser. Could anybody, please suggest what could be the issue.

Following is the code for WEBDBTableControl.OnGetCellClass event.. dbtableSales is a WebDBTableControl.

procedure TformSales.dbtableSalesGetCellClass(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; AField: TField; AValue: string; var AClassName: string);
    AClassName := 'table-primary';


When the page loads, it shows as follow

when I checked the browser elements, i can see the class name

But when, I resize the browser then the css class is removed and the table cells color removed as follow.

And the class name also removed when checked the elements.


Can you please suggest what could be the issue here?

Thanks for reporting.
We traced & solved this issue. The next update will address this.

Thanks for the update.
Can you please provide me the solution codes for a quick fix at my end so that I don't need to wait for next update?

And the same happens for other css classes also for the same event so hope the coming solution will fix this issue.
As I checked another screen where I had used as follow.

procedure TfrmSalesByCust.dbtabSaleCustGetCellClass(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; AField: TField; AValue: string; var AClassName: string);
  if (ARow>0) and (ACol>1) then
    AClassName := 'text-end';

One more point, is there any option to show sum of columns data in DBTableView footer?

We plan to release v2.3 in the coming week.
At this moment, there is not a built-in option for a sum row in TWebDBTableControl. This is a good suggestion to consider though for a future release.