TTMSFNCCloudItem Issue

Using the following procedure, the Size and ModifiedDate properties of a TTMSFNCCloudItem are both zero in the Google Drive service although the FileName property is correct. These properties are all correct in Dropbox and OneDrive:

procedure TFormFNCCloudStorage.ShowItem(AItem: TTMSFNCListBoxItem);
ci: TTMSFNCCloudItem;
if Assigned(TMSFNCListBox1.SelectedItem) then
ci := TMSFNCListBox1.Items[AItem.Index].DataObject as TTMSFNCCloudItem;

if ci.ItemType = ciFolder then

FileName.Caption := ci.FileName;

if ci.ModifiedDate <> 0 then
  Created.Caption := FormatDateTime(FormatSettings.ShortDateFormat + ' ' + 
 FormatSettings.ShortTimeFormat,ci.ModifiedDate);  <--value 01/01/0001 00:00

Size.Caption := IntToStr(ci.Size);  <--- value 0


I think these properties were ok a few months ago. Using the latest versions of the TMS FNC Cloud Pack, Windows 10 (64-bit) and Delphi 11. Any ideas?


Thank you for notifying us.
This issue has been fixed and the update will be available with the next TMS FNC Cloud Pack release.

Great, thanks Bart.

Happy to help!

Update works fine. Thanks for rapid response.

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