TTMSFMXWebBrowser How to limit user interaction


I would like to use the TTMSFMXWebBrowser component in an application to display some local (to the network) content.

One of the issues I face is that there seems to be no way to prevent the browser session to open new popups or windows: the BeforeNavigate event is fired after the popup window is open and, even if it wasn't, the parameters passed do not provide the application any information about the link clicked except the target URL.

Is there a way around this ??

Thank you


Which platform are you using exactly?

Kind Regards, 


Sorry, I should have said that: Delphi XE5 targeting win32


Can you perhaps send us a sample of local content that demonstrates this issue, so we can investigate this here under the same circumstances?

Kind Regards, 

I'm not sure what you're asking for, really... Any URL in the form of "a href=""_blank" will open a popup as will a call to"...")

Why do my messages appear on top of yours ?!?