Hello I open a website (which has a picture streaming) and I I want a red dot in de middle of the window. eveything I tried did not work, I can't place anything in front of the browser. a second form in front of it does not work. Anyone an Idea how to solve it?
That's unfortunately not possible in FMX. In FMX all components are drawn inside the form canvas, while the webbrowser is a native window that lies on top. You could indeed use the separate form technique, but you'll have to make sure it stays on top. You can set the property at form level.
I do have the same issue with the "naitive window of the webbrowser" in front of the FMX and I tried to do a work-around.
I use the WebBrowser-component in a TabControl-Item and I have a "onClick"-event on changing the tabControl-items. And on the onClick-event, I try to make the visibility to false of the webBrowser-component, but this doesnt help ether?
- How can I disable the "active webBrowser-component", so the in the back laying FMX come to the front? Is there a "stop" command in the Browser which helps?
- I have also tried deinitialize and initialize, but this doesnt help ether.
The problem accurs, when the browser is somehow beeing activ. If the browser shows some static html, it works without problems, but as the time the browser keeps showing something continously, it strikes
I use Delphi 12.2 and TMS FNC UI Pack on Windows 10
We have tested this here and it works as expected, toggling the visibility, please provide a test application.