I tested the TTMSFNCWebBrowser component in an application on various websites and it works well except for the following:
1) When a user right clicks to open in a new tab or new window, the navigation events are not triggered.
A new window outside the application is opened in both cases. Is it possible to be notified so navigation can be blocked, logged, or handled by the application?
2) Navigation within some websites does not trigger the before or after navigation events in the browser. An example is https://news.google.com:
a) Clicking on one of the news categories changes the content of the browser but the navigation events do not occur.
b) Clicking on an article opens a new window outside the browser application.
c) I assume this would also be a problem in a WebCore application but did not test this.
Please advise if is possible to intercept user navigation. If possible, please indicate how to accomplish.