
I need to update some components when creating / deleting the tabs.

To do this I used the OnInsertPage and OnClosePage events of TTMSFMXPageControl.

The OnInsertPage event is executed when a new tab is created, but the OnClosePage event is not being triggered when closing a tab.

Is this a bug in the component or I did not understand when it is triggered?

To do what I need I put the code that I need in the OnBeforeClosePage event, however that requires me to make an additional code to ignore the page that will be closed.

We have traced and solved this issue, the next version will address this.

In version this problem has been solved, thank you.

However, I encountered a problem when running the TTMSFMXPageControl on iOS that could be a result of this change.

When the CloseAction property is set to ttcaFree the tab is not being deleted when close a tab (only in iOS).  In Windows and macOS the tab is deleted correctly.

We'll investigate this here as soon as possible.


We have investigated this here and have applied a fix, the next version will address this.