

Is it possible to use TTMSFMXNativeUIDocumentInteractionController.ShowOptionsFromButton somehow using an ordinary TTMSFMXSpeedButton?



No, This is not possible as the ShowOptionsFromButton relies on a native control, but you can use the ShowFromRect functionality that is able to show the document interaction controller from a specific rectangle, which could be based on the relative position of the TTMSFMXSpeedButton. We will investigate if we can add an additional method that covers this.

Thanks Pieter. I'll look into using ShowFromRect. That would be great if you could add some other methods.



Help! ShowFromRect works great except it doesn't show the same options as ShowPreview. The print and mail buttons are missing which is basically the two that I need :(


Can you try with ShowOptionsFromRect instead of ShowFromRect?

We have also meanwhile modified the signature of the ShowOptionsFromControl and ShowFromControl methods, which will accept any type of control, thus also accepting a TButton.

Hi Pieter. Thank you, what a star!
