TTMSFMXMemo scrollbar cursor

When the mouse is over a TTMSFMXMemo scrollbar it displays as a Text cursor instead of the default arrow. The standard FMX TMemo is fine for this.

Are there any plans for a platform-based option for TTMSFMXMemo? The text quality in the standard TMemo is noticeably better in platform mode.

Thanks, Bob

Using on Seattle Upd 1


You can solve this issue by using the following code:

procedure TForm1.TMSFMXMemo1ApplyStyleLookup(Sender: TObject);
  TMSFMXMemo1.GetVScroll.Cursor := crArrow;

There are currently no plans to support a native version of the TTMSFMXMemo. The platform version introduces technical difficulties to support the features the TTMSFMXMemo currently exposes.

Kind Regards, 