TTMSFMXGrid editing

I have a curious problem using the grid with Flexcel. I want to replicate Excel's behaviour where editing is activated after a double-click, rather than just a click. The grid doesn't have OnCellDblClick so I've used the following in OnDblClick:

 cell := (Sender as TTMSFMXGrid).FocusedCell;
  (Sender as TTMSFMXGrid).Options.Editing.Enabled := true;
  (Sender as TTMSFMXGrid).EditCell(cell);

In OnCellEditDone I then disable editing. However, after I edit the cell, all cells on that row become empty, apart from the edited cell. If I scroll the grid down then back up the values re-appear. I've tried grid.Repaint and grid.UpdateGridCells but to no avail.

Note that I'm using the grid in virtual mode and retrieving the data from the TXlsFile in the OnGetCellData event.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Bob

I forgot to ask - any chance of an OnCellDblClick for the grid?

Thanks, Bob

The code works as expected here on a default grid, are you able to reproduce this on a grid with some random data?

Kind Regards, 

Sorry Pieter - sat down at my desk this morning and immediately spotted a bug in my OnGetCellData handler. Note to self - avoid 1am bug reports....

Thanks, Bob

Hi Pieter

The only disadvantage of the approach I'm using is that double-clicking on a header cell also activates editing in the selected cell. I can live with this, but an option to have editing require a cell double-click would be good.

Very nice grid, BTW.

Thanks, Bob
Thank you for your feedback.
We will add this on our feature request list.

Kind Regards, 