TTMSFMXGrid column heading


I have bound a grid to a datasource and added columns.

LinkGridToDataSource1.Columns[1] etc. have MemberName and Header set but the row header has disappeared. I cannot find how to get it back? Can someone point me in the right direction please?

Regards, Ian

Does removing and readding the column fix the issue?

Kind Regards, 


Recreating the grid is the route I took but I would like to know if it is a bug as I could not find anyway of reinstating the "field" headers.

Cheers, Ian
Can you reproduce this with a standard grid component in FireMonkey?
Are you setting the Header property at designtime or at runtime?

If at runtime, can you perhaps encapsulate your calls with TMSFMXGrid1.BeginUpdate / TMSFMXGRid1.EndUpdate ?

Kind Regards,

Please see

It shows what I get at design and runtime. All setting are created at design time. Yesterday, the column headers (text and grey cells disappeared in design and runtime and I do use begin/end update. I have not seen this with any other grid, however this is only my second FireMonkey app.

Regards, Ian

Can you try setting the FixedColumns to 0 and see if the designtime issue is solved?

If at runtime, the columns and data is correct, then this is purely a designtime issue, and could be due to settings made in the dataset are not reflected in the grid.

Kind Regards, 
Scheldeman Pieter

I have tried that but it made no difference but I am not concerned about the design time aspect of the display as long as it is OK at runtime.

I still do not know how the header was disabled at designtime - what properties would cause this? Please see image of the executable as of yesterday no headings

Cheers, Ian

Any chance of a reply please?

If you don't know why then please tell me, if I am being stupid then please humour me but don't just ignore me.

Thanks, Ian

In TAdvStringGrid at design time I am able to use the property "columnheader" and to set it. I bought FMX Grids for XE4 (within package) too. There I am not able to detect a property "columnheader". No explanation for this anywhere. How, please, am I supposed to set the headers? Only by code lines? If so, I am eager to learn why. 

Kind regards


Is it possible that FixedRows is 0 ?

Kind Regards, 